Confidential & Accurate Awarded with the Prestigious Gold Medal of Honor Professional Thai Private Investigators

Background & criminal record check

Why conduct a background & criminal record check?

Sometimes a situation occurs when you need to be sure that someone is who they claim they are. In case of dealing with prospective business partner, a future employee or life partner to know that they are who they say they are is essential. It becomes even more important when your family is involved, for example when hiring a nanny. If you are worried, you need assurance.

Criminal records

Our methodology

Is that employee as qualified as he or she says? Is that person really who they claim to be? Are those real references?

For a nanny or other prospective employee, we can have their resume verified as well as their background checked. How is your nanny treating your children when you are at work? Thai Investigators with its team of experienced investigation agents can provide a hidden surveillance in and around your home.

You might have strong suspicions, but you need hard facts to act upon. Our professional, trained agents with wide experience in dealing with such matters can check facts and interpret those facts to get a clearer picture. We will provide a detailed report based on facts & evidence, so you can make the decisions you need to make with confidence.

Contact us for a free consultation

Thai Investigators can discover the secrets that you need to know: fast, safe, accurate and affordable.

Contact our lawyers or private investigators today for a free consultation.