Confidential & Accurate Awarded with the Prestigious Gold Medal of Honor Professional Thai Private Investigators

Spousal surveillance by our Thai agents

Why spousal surveillance?

It is not always easy to be sure if you can trust your significant other. At Thai Investigators we understand that contacting a detective to survey a spouse is a hard thing to do, but living in uncertainty can be worse.

We can have our agents check up on a loved one in a discreet way, so you can get the answers you need to move on with your life.

No Cheating

Is your husband or wife telling the truth?

It is a terrible feeling to be in doubt about your partner's fidelity. At Thai Investigators, with our dedicated and experienced team of Thai agents can help you discover the truth as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Our methodology

To determine if your partner is cheating, we will follow your partner at times this is likely to occur. If suspicious behavior occurs or they meet someone of the opposite sex, we will record the situation. This might involve recording video or taking pictures, writing down details of cars and license plates, noting locations, etc.

If necessary we can check the license plates to find the names and addresses of the registered owner of the vehicle.

If you already know or suspect who the other person involved might be, we can also do a surveillance on them.

Contact us for a free consultation

Thai Investigators can discover the secrets that you need to know: fast, safe, accurate and affordable.

Contact our lawyers or private investigators today for a free consultation.